Sunday, May 18, 2008

pencil studies

These are some drawings I did as studies for possible paintings, they were of course sourced from photographs and I never used them for anything. As pencil drawings I rather like them, but they are too close to the original source material to use them for anything other than practice.


Lauren Kate said...

Wow - your work is absolutely beautiful!!
I love the freedom of colour and style - your family is very lucky to recieve gifts like these :) Love the African feel you have in so many of these - stunning!

P.S Thanks for your kind words at the Illustrators meeting on Wednesday, it is certainly grat to have so much encouragement from so many talented illustrators!

david kennett said...

Thanks Lauren
and thank you for visiting, encouragement.. we all need it
cheers david

Graham McArthur said...

These are delicious! Wonderful drawings. Can we please see more?